We arrived Friday night and were treated to an incredible steak dinner by Viona's FE (foreign exchange) Uncle and Aunt, Tom and Alaina (our brother and sister in-law). We then feasted on Shrek #4 and tried to get the kids to motor down, which did not occur. Even Jo Jo resisted the spell Viona is normally able to cast on him to make him go to sleep (we have begun saying that Jo Jo is Viona's boyfriend and even though he is only 8 months it sure does seem so). We had to get to sleep but none was to be found until far too late ... we had a big day ahead of us.
Even though the kids went to bed several hours late they woke us all up at the usual 7-7:30 time. It only took us a few hours (and a fantastic French Toast breakfast) to get out the door. Viona got to sample her first NYC subway ride as we left Brooklyn where Tom and Alaina live for the city's core, Manhattan. On the subway Jack did get a cheer from a group of kids who were singing and when they stopped Jack added his rendition of "E-I-E-I-Ohhhhh" It's hard to say where we went as we were underground, but a stop and transfer or two and we got off at 79th street and the Museum of Natural History. Dinosaurs, ancient hominid bones and a big blue whale -- it was quite alot to take in and even though we were there for several hours we didn't even see one of the floors and several wings. Before we went in, Viona had her first Hot Dog. Another monumental feat in American Culture for the Queen of Kosovo.
Viona did have an interest, and feel a connection with the Asian exhibits, which featured several Turkic peoples -- hence the connection. She photographed her way through whatever we had time for and had, quite surely, at least a couple dozen photos. But we had more plans and after a gyro took the subway to Mid-Town and the shopping district.
Wow, talk about decadent capitalism. The wealth on display in some of the stores made me blush ... we walked past several blocks of high end jewelry and clothing stores before getting into some more sensible areas .... toys and FAO Schwartz. Schweet, and the candy was first followed by floors of anything a kid can imagine, including a rather cool hovering helicopter, but as it had no camera we decided not to get it. Then it was off to Rockefeller Center. We got to see the Christmas Tree and it was lovely, but a sea of a 10,000 people blocked our passage to the ice rink and so we decided at 7:00 that it was time to start for home. But Alaina had another plan. I really think she saw that Viona wanted to see the rink, afterall she did buy a "I love NYC" in our brief stay in the Rockefeller Center Plaza. Viona and Alaina went off into the night while the rest of us trekked back to Brooklyn.
Much to our surprise they arrived home before us, having seen the rink and then deciding to call it a night themselves. It was quite a day .... but, shhhhh, time for bed. The morning has its own plans.
Broadway holds a certain fascination for Viona, and so Alaina arranged for the girls to see a show. Fortunately, the boys got to stay home and watch football, in peace. They went to see Lion King. I can easily see Viona beaming through the whole show. Rosie loved it as well and wished "I wish Jackie Boy could be hear." Mostly because "the music" was making her "cry." AHHHHHH. Viona seemed almost tearful herself as she recounted her experiences. Quite a trip, Quite a weekend, Quite an Empire.